Greetings! I hope you have had a joyous holiday with your loved ones. Christmas is my favorite holiday, and I love all the happy feelings that come with it and spending time with my family. However, I saw a social media post recently that gave me pause: “Christmas feels more like a deadline than a holiday.” […]
One common way that many speakers can negatively impact their credibility is by using crutch or filler words throughout their presentation. If you’re not familiar with this term, it means the words that we use when we’re not sure what to say next or to buy us time to find the right word we want to […]
Brace yourself, I’m about to tell you something that may surprise you: A little nervousness before you present your speech is actually a good thing. That adrenaline rush surging through your body is what gives you energy and enthusiasm to deliver your message with a bang. The way that you interpret this anxious feeling will […]