
I love the month of May for a few reasons: it’s my birthday month, the weather is warming up (I LOVE hot weather!), and I can start doing my walks by the lake again. Can you say Winning!! May is also Mental Health Awareness Month. And if you’re someone who’s uncomfortable with public speaking, just the […]

Confidence, Nervousness, Preparation

May 12, 2023

5 Ways Speakers Can Protect their Mental Health

It’s a new year and you may be thinking about what resources you need that will help you accomplish your goals. If you’ve been telling yourself year after year that you need to improve your public speaking and presentation skills, and this year has to be different – you may consider working with a public […]

Confidence, Preparation, Q & A

January 20, 2023

3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Working with a Public Speaking Coach

I can’t believe we are winding down the last month of 2022 already! It seems like we just started the year. I pray you are taking time to enjoy yourself and not getting overwhelmed with all the hustle and bustle that often comes in December. Below is a great article from Black Speakers Network that […]

Confidence, Speaking Tips

December 25, 2022

10 Inspiring Toasts for a Memorable Holiday Celebration

I want to speak, but I don’t know what to talk about… I don’t have any interesting stories to use… I really don’t have any experiences others would be that interested in hearing about… All LIES!! Listen, you have SO much speech content inside of you that you’d be AMAZED. You don’t think you have […]

Content, Preparation, Writing

October 21, 2022

How do I find Speech Content??

“Is it ok to use notes?” “What’s the right way to use notes when speaking?” These are the two most common questions I hear when it comes to speech notes. First, let me make it clear that it IS OK to bring your trusty notes with you. I have been to conferences where I was […]

Preparation, Speaking Tips, Stage Presence

August 13, 2022

If you want to use notes, there are 5 things you must do

Using notes

If you’ve ever looked out into your audience and noticed confusing looks on their faces – it can feel unsettling to you as a speaker! You’re wondering why they look that way. There are a host of reasons, but here are three major ones:  Your speech has no real structure and is going all over […]

Confidence, Preparation, Speaking Tips, Stage Presence

June 4, 2022

3 Reasons Why You’re Confusing Your Audience

You were feeling confident before your speech. But after speaking for a few minutes, those butterflies start flying out of control in your stomach. 😳 So what can you do to calm yourself and finish your speech on a high note? 1. Focus on why the audience needs to hear your message. Always keep their […]

Confidence, Nervousness, Preparation, Speaking Tips

April 24, 2022

3 Tips for When You Get Nervous While Speaking

In William Safire’s book “Lend Me Your Ears,” only 7 of the 217 speeches listed end with “Thank You.” This tells us that there are waaaaay better choices for wrapping up your speech! There are quite a few ways that I teach my clients. Here are six of them: ✅Quote: Use a quote that connects […]

Preparation, Speaking Tips, Writing

January 19, 2022

Creative Ways to End Your Speech

woman speaker

This photo of me was taken in 2014 when I won first place in the Humorous Speech Contest for my Toastmasters International district. As you can see here, I am all smiles as it was truly one of the happiest days of my life. However… What you DON’T see is all that happened behind the […]

Confidence, Engagement, Nervousness, Preparation, Speaking Tips, Speech Competitions, Zoom

August 17, 2021

What People DON’T See

Toastmaster Winner

You’ve just begun your professional speaking career – CONGRATULATIONS!! You’ve created your presentations that you’re ready to get paid for, started looking for events/organizations you can speak at, and have been passing your business card to anyone and everyone you come in contact with. Sooo…why are the engagements not happening? It could be for any […]

Engagement, Preparation, Speaking Tips

July 1, 2020

5 Mistakes that New Speakers Make

woman speaking