A lot of the same public speaking advice has been circling the globe for decades, and I heard it all too when I got into public speaking 15+ years ago. However, just because a recommendation has been circulating forever, doesn’t mean it’s helpful!
There are 7 particular recommendations I would classify as outdated or misunderstood. Don’t worry, I also give suggestions on what to do instead.
🎤Imagine the audience in their underwear/naked
Someone recently told me that it was suggested to him to imagine the audience members naked to quell his nerves with public speaking. I was honestly shocked and surprised that this is still recommended. If anything, I would feel more uncomfortable imagining the audience in this way. Plus, what if a family member is in the audience?? (We won’t even go there.) What I recommend is showing up early to your event venue so you can mingle with your listeners. Have conversations that allow you to learn more about who they are, what they’re most looking forward to learning from you, or challenges they’ve been experiencing related to your topic. This is good for two reasons: 1. The audience will feel more like friends instead of foes ready to tear you down, increasing your comfortability once you’re on the stage. 2. You will be surprised at how something as simple as mentioning someone’s name during your speech makes that person’s day and endears them to you.
🎤End with “thank you”
It’s not that it’s bad, but it’s BORING and PREDICTABLE. Two things you never want to be as a speaker! Your last words linger, and there are SO many more creative, memorable ways to wrap up your speech: inspirational quote, a call to action, a profound final thought, or even a poem. What message needs to be reinforced before you end? Be the speaker whose ending is unforgettable and strikes a chord!
🎤Be dynamic the entire time
Think about it – if you’re dynamic all the time, then you’re not dynamic. Nothing you do on stage will stand out to the audience. Sometimes, you have to “take the spice off” and deliver lines in your baseline-level voice. Sometimes you need to stand still and not walk the stage. Sometimes you need to not gesture. When you do this, this ensures the really important moments will be more impactful.
🎤Speak to “everyone” in the audience
Have you ever heard a speaker say “How is everyone doing today?” or “Have you all heard about…” Remember your audience is made up of individuals and the magic word in speaking is YOU. Your message will resonate with them more by using “YOU.” It will feel as though they are the only one you are addressing, instead of a sea of people. Example: “What do you think about…”
🎤Start with a joke
I know this one is shocking. You’ve probably been told to break the ice with humor. And humor done right is great! Here’s the thing about jokes: If you found your joke on the internet, there’s a good chance others have heard it too. There’s no originality. There are a variety of ways to uncover humor in your opening that are more natural, original, and engaging. The way you say your lines, your facial expressions, your posture or gestures, and perfectly-timed pauses are all excellent ways to elicit humor.
🎤Ask if there are questions
Instead of asking “are there any questions?,” it’s better to ask “What questions do you have for me?” Phrased this way, it sounds like you EXPECT them to ask you! It’s a slight difference in wording that makes a big difference in how the audience responds to you.
🎤Your delivery takes precedence
There’s been a “fact” that’s been repeated for years: “All communication is 7% what we say and 93% how we say it.” This came from Dr. Albert Mehrabian’s research in 1967 called the “7-38-55 rule.” (Body language = 55% of your message, Tone of voice = 38%, and Actual words = 7%). In short, this rule has been misinterpreted over and over.
Here are the actual findings:
1.Face and tone play a role but are not of greater importance than words
2.When the words spoken are inconsistent with the tone or body language of the person speaking, people always believe the non-verbal
I wrote an article on this where you can check out four facts you never hear about this study that will change the way you look at this blanket statement made about communication.
Which one of these recommendations are you constantly hearing? I’d love to hear your feedback in the comments!
If being a confident, clear, engaging speaker is on your goals list for 2025, then it may be time for you to invest in yourself by investing in coaching this year. I’m accepting new clients at this time, so it’s a great time to hop on a complimentary discovery call with me to discuss your needs. This call is for those who need the services I offer, and are serious about their personal/professional development. If this sounds like you, please schedule your call here. Looking forward to connecting!
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As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.
- 1 Peter 4:10-11
Roquita is a proud partner of Black Speakers Network.