A lot of the same public speaking advice has been circling the globe for decades, and I heard it all too when I got into public speaking 15+ years ago. However, just because a recommendation has been circulating forever, doesn’t mean it’s helpful! There are 7 particular recommendations I would classify as outdated or misunderstood. […]
I was part of a panel today that spoke to high school students on the topic of “Preparing for Adulthood.” I’ve coached clients who’ve had upcoming panel speaking opportunities, and this situation sometimes feels scary to them unlike a prepared speech they had to give. Avoid these 3 mistakes to handle the panel successfully: 1️⃣ […]
It’s a new year and you may be thinking about what resources you need that will help you accomplish your goals. If you’ve been telling yourself year after year that you need to improve your public speaking and presentation skills, and this year has to be different – you may consider working with a public […]
If you’re anything like me, you have been attending non-stop virtual meetings and events since the Coronavirus forced us all to hunker down in our homes. Online meetings are a different animal altogether than when you gather in person. Sure, there’s still sharing of information and an exchange of ideas happening, BUT – there are […]
I’d bet my last dollar you’re familiar with the Transformers movies that have come out the last few years. These action films, full of explosions and unexpected twists, were directed by Michael Bay. Unfortunately, he experienced an unexpected incident of his own while promoting Samsung’s high definition curved TVs back in 2014. When a teleprompter malfunctioned, he […]
One of my favorite holidays is here! Thanksgiving is when many of us reflect on our blessings and enjoy the fellowship of family and friends. This is also the time of year when many clothing and food collection drives pop up across the country, to help our community members in need. This past weekend, I […]
Have you ever started reading a book, and found it tough to continue reading because the first few pages didn’t grab your attention? Or have you watched a movie that just dragggggged in the beginning? Both situations are painful to endure! Imagine how an audience feels when listening to a speech or presentation that […]
One aspect of public speaking that doesn’t get enough attention is the question and answer (Q & A) session. Often, the speaker is very focused on perfecting and practicing their speech, and the Q & A gets the shaft. It might not seem worthwhile to put too much thought into this, but how you handle […]