In William Safire’s book “Lend Me Your Ears,” only 7 of the 217 speeches listed end with “Thank You.”
This tells us that there are waaaaay better choices for wrapping up your speech!
There are quite a few ways that I teach my clients.
Here are six of them:
✅Quote: Use a quote that connects perfectly with your speech’s message. It can be inspirational, funny, convicting etc. Don’t confuse your audience with a quote that has nothing to do with your message.
✅Poem: Just like with the quote, the poem should fit right with your message. Be careful about using a poem that’s too long. It could detract from your speech or the audience could become restless.
✅Call to action: If you’re giving a persuasive speech in particular, you’ll almost always have a call to action. What do you want the audience to do after they leave you? Don’t assume they’ll know; be specific with your charge to them.
✅Question: You can end with a direct question or rhetorical question. Is there something you want them to really consider as you end?
✅Song: If you’re gutsy enough to belt out a few lyrics, go for it! I don’t see this often, but it’s cool and different to see a speaker end with a song.
✅Tie-Back: When you refer back to a phrase, quote, or anecdote that was mentioned earlier in the opening or one of your points, you are “tying” it back. It’s like coming full circle in a way.
Be creative! You don’t have to end with “Thank You.” Which one sticks out to you ?
If you’re tired of struggling with your public speaking skills, let’s have a discovery call. I work with Christian female professionals and entrepreneurs who want their presentations to shine in the boardroom or on stage. With the right coaching, you can stand out as an expert or simply be ready to rise to the speaking occasion! I also work with organizations that want public speaking and presentation training for their staff. Organizations, connect with me here.
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As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.
- 1 Peter 4:10-11
Roquita is a proud partner of Black Speakers Network.