I’d bet my last dollar you’re familiar with the Transformers movies that have come out the last few years. These action films, full of explosions and unexpected twists, were directed by Michael Bay. Unfortunately, he experienced an unexpected incident of his own while promoting Samsung’s high definition curved TVs back in 2014. When a teleprompter malfunctioned, he […]
Have you ever started reading a book, and found it tough to continue reading because the first few pages didn’t grab your attention? Or have you watched a movie that just dragggggged in the beginning? Both situations are painful to endure! Imagine how an audience feels when listening to a speech or presentation that […]
One aspect of public speaking that doesn’t get enough attention is the question and answer (Q & A) session. Often, the speaker is very focused on perfecting and practicing their speech, and the Q & A gets the shaft. It might not seem worthwhile to put too much thought into this, but how you handle […]