
Can you believe we are halfway through 2024?? I certainly cannot!! I remember when I was a child and telling my grandmother that “time was going by so slowly.” She simply said “when you’re older, the years will go by very fast.” Of course, like with many of her other responses to me, she was […]

Preparation, Speaking Tools

June 28, 2024

Step Up Your Content Creation Game with This Hidden Gem

If professional speaking is a goal of yours, your Speaker One Sheet is one of your most important marketing tools to have. However, there are still some lingering misconceptions about them! Let’s clear up some of the biggest ones… 1. IT NEEDS TO BE ONE SHEET It does NOT need to be one sheet! Many […]

Events, Speaking Tools

December 18, 2022

The Speaker One Sheet: 4 of the Biggest Lies

If you’re anything like me, you have been attending non-stop virtual meetings and events since the Coronavirus forced us all to hunker down in our homes. Online meetings are a different animal altogether than when you gather in person. Sure, there’s still sharing of information and an exchange of ideas happening, BUT – there are […]

Engagement, Q & A, Speaking Tips, Speaking Tools, Virtual Meetings

May 9, 2020

4 Things You’re Doing that Annoy Your Virtual Audience

I attended the Power Networking Conference in Houston at the end of June. This is an annual event created by Dr. George Fraser – master networker, entrepreneur, and author – where the brightest business minds converge in one place. I attended the dynamic “Art and Science of Sales” workshop by Linda Clemons, a sales and […]

Engagement, Speaking Tips, Speaking Tools, Stage Presence

August 12, 2019

What’s In A Name? Use Your Audience Members’ Names

Omne trium perfectum. If you’re not familiar with this Latin phrase, it means “every set of three is complete” or “everything that comes in threes is perfect.”  We see examples of this everywhere: The Three Little Pigs…The good, the bad, and the ugly…Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Most flags have three colors. Groupings of three are […]

Preparation, Speaking Tips, Speaking Tools, Writing

December 23, 2018

The Rule of 3 in Presentations

You’re not alone – when they first start speaking to audiences, many a speaker has found it challenging to come up with a topic or story from their life to talk about. It’s been said that our life is a series of moments, but I think it is a series of stories too. Stories that have taught us […]

Speaking Tips, Speaking Tools, Storytelling, Writing

December 22, 2018

The 4 Fs for Storytelling Ideas

One common way that many speakers can negatively impact their credibility is by using crutch or filler words throughout their presentation. If you’re not familiar with this term, it means the words that we use when we’re not sure what to say next or to buy us time to find the right word we want to […]

Confidence, Nervousness, Preparation, Speaking Tips, Speaking Tools, Stage Presence

December 21, 2018

Shhhhh…When You Should Pause

One of my favorite holidays is here! Thanksgiving is when many of us reflect on our blessings and enjoy the fellowship of family and friends. This is also the time of year when many clothing and food collection drives pop up across the country, to help our community members in need. This past weekend, I […]

Confidence, Q & A, Speaking Tips, Speaking Tools

November 21, 2018

Public Speaking, Perfection, and Prayer – Oh My!

I must admit something. This article could just as easily have been called “The Quickest Way to Annoy Roquita.” However, this personal pet peeve of mine is certainly not unique to me.  It’s a sentiment shared by many an audience member who’ve attended a presentation. How do you annoy your audience in no time flat? […]

Speaking Tips, Speaking Tools

September 5, 2016

The Quickest Way to Annoy Your Audience