
Can you believe we are halfway through 2024?? I certainly cannot!! I remember when I was a child and telling my grandmother that “time was going by so slowly.” She simply said “when you’re older, the years will go by very fast.” Of course, like with many of her other responses to me, she was […]

Preparation, Speaking Tools

June 28, 2024

Step Up Your Content Creation Game with This Hidden Gem

A few days ago, I was working with one of my clients on how to handle a speaking situation that strikes fear in the hearts of many:  IMPROMPTU SPEAKING. This feels intimidating for good reason! You had no time to prepare in advance and don’t want to look incompetent in front of your audience, whether […]

Confidence, Content, Nervousness, Speaking Tips, Speaking Tools

June 3, 2024

Use this technique for Impromptu Speaking

Pic courtesy of RDNE Stock project

A couple of days ago, I received this message: “I have a small presentation today and I am very, very nervous. If I mess up once, I get flustered and rush through the rest as fast as I can. I try to tell myself it’s gonna be over before I know it, but I’m still […]

Confidence, Nervousness, Preparation, Speaking Tips

April 26, 2024

7 Tips for Handling Presentation Anxiety

As a speaker, you have to be prepared for ANYTHING to happen – including technical difficulties! It can still be a nerve-wracking experience though when things do go wrong. And presentation slides not working is one of those situations I’ve seen happen more than once unfortunately. Check out my six top tips for how to […]

Confidence, Nervousness, Preparation, Speaking Tips

April 21, 2024

What to do when your presentation slides fail

I have been speaking for over a decade, so there are some things I did in the beginning of my speaker journey that I do not do now AND do not recommend new speakers do either. That’s part of my job as a coach; to shorten your learning curve. I show you what to do […]

Preparation, Speaking Tips, Writing

November 20, 2023

3 Things I Stopped Doing as a Public Speaker

You’ve probably heard (or even said) this oft-repeated “fact”: All communication is 7% what we say and 93% how we say it. WELL…THIS IS ACTUALLY NOT ACCURATE. Psychology professor Dr. Albert Mehrabian came up with this rule while working at the University of California, Los Angeles. Over the years, it has been misinterpreted and the […]

Content, Engagement, Speaking Tips

June 5, 2023

No, Delivery is NOT more Important than Words

I love the month of May for a few reasons: it’s my birthday month, the weather is warming up (I LOVE hot weather!), and I can start doing my walks by the lake again. Can you say Winning!! May is also Mental Health Awareness Month. And if you’re someone who’s uncomfortable with public speaking, just the […]

Confidence, Nervousness, Preparation

May 12, 2023

5 Ways Speakers Can Protect their Mental Health

I was part of a panel today that spoke to high school students on the topic of “Preparing for Adulthood.” I’ve coached clients who’ve had upcoming panel speaking opportunities, and this situation sometimes feels scary to them unlike a prepared speech they had to give. Avoid these 3 mistakes to handle the panel successfully: 1️⃣ […]

Preparation, Q & A, Speaking Tips

April 24, 2023

3 Panelist Mistakes to Avoid

When it comes to potential speaking engagements – you always want to weigh the pros vs. cons when it comes to considering whether to speak for free. There are a NUMBER of ways you can still get “paid” even if the organization can’t give you money. But for right now, let’s just look at WHEN […]


April 11, 2023

Should you speak for free? 4 times to consider it

Recently, I competed in the area level (the second level) of the speech competition I’m in. I lost and came in second place. Let me tell you something… I HATE to not win a speech contest! However, this time was different. Even though I’m still disappointed I lost, I can tell I have grown in […]

Preparation, Speaking Tips, Speech Competitions

March 6, 2023

A Transparency Post