
Can you believe we are halfway through 2024?? I certainly cannot!! I remember when I was a child and telling my grandmother that “time was going by so slowly.” She simply said “when you’re older, the years will go by very fast.” Of course, like with many of her other responses to me, she was […]

Preparation, Speaking Tools

June 28, 2024

Step Up Your Content Creation Game with This Hidden Gem

A couple of days ago, I received this message: “I have a small presentation today and I am very, very nervous. If I mess up once, I get flustered and rush through the rest as fast as I can. I try to tell myself it’s gonna be over before I know it, but I’m still […]

Confidence, Nervousness, Preparation, Speaking Tips

April 26, 2024

7 Tips for Handling Presentation Anxiety

I have been speaking for over a decade, so there are some things I did in the beginning of my speaker journey that I do not do now AND do not recommend new speakers do either. That’s part of my job as a coach; to shorten your learning curve. I show you what to do […]

Preparation, Speaking Tips, Writing

November 20, 2023

3 Things I Stopped Doing as a Public Speaker

If you’ve ever looked out into your audience and noticed confusing looks on their faces – it can feel unsettling to you as a speaker! You’re wondering why they look that way. There are a host of reasons, but here are three major ones:  Your speech has no real structure and is going all over […]

Confidence, Preparation, Speaking Tips, Stage Presence

June 4, 2022

3 Reasons Why You’re Confusing Your Audience

In William Safire’s book “Lend Me Your Ears,” only 7 of the 217 speeches listed end with “Thank You.” This tells us that there are waaaaay better choices for wrapping up your speech! There are quite a few ways that I teach my clients. Here are six of them: ✅Quote: Use a quote that connects […]

Preparation, Speaking Tips, Writing

January 19, 2022

Creative Ways to End Your Speech

woman speaker